Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tour de Fleece 2013

Okay, I realize it's been so long since I posted here that I've forgotten when you last heard from me (and I'm scared to look it up). Here's the little munchkin that's been keeping me so busy:

He's one now, and walking, which is fun but at times tiring.

Anyway, I also have not done any spinning at all since last year's Tour de Fleece, so I am determined to change that. My goal is to spin at least some every day, with hopes of maybe finishing the spinning project I started for the last Tour. I made some progress last night, and here's my bobbin of last year's spinning plus last night:

And here's the remaining roving to be spun:

I will locate the label and let you know what this is before I finish it, I promise! We've started watching Downton Abbey on Hulu while I'm spinning, and after the first episode I'm kind of hooked. Hopefully this keeps me motivated to actually spin every day, so I can watch another episode.

And I'm realizing that I need to stop worrying about having the perfect pictures for long, detailed blog posts, and I need to start just posting something so you don't think I've disappeared!

With that said, happy spinning (or knitting)!