Sunday, June 14, 2015

Happy WWKIP Day!

Happy Worldwide Knit In Public Day!

I spent the morning yesterday knitting in public at one of our local farmers markets with my knitting guild. It was a lot of fun, and I hope you did something special for WWKIP day, too!

The project I had on the needles is one of the many tiny things I'm making for my baby girl. This one is my Little Sisters Dress, knit in some Koigu KPPPM I've had in my stash for awhile. It's currently drying after blocking, and then it just needs buttons and final photos to be done (along with at least two baby sweaters).

I've got no more than a month left now until the baby comes, and I'm trying to finish up all the little knitted things in newborn and 3-month sizes, since I'm not sure how much knitting time I'll have immediately after she comes!

I'm also working on a baby quilt, which is a story for another post someday soon...


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Must. Knit. Faster!

Happy Easter, everyone!

So it turns out that I'm expecting a baby girl this summer, which means that my Ravelry queue has exploded! It's a combination of being able to make cute baby girl stuff (which I obviously didn't get to make for Jack), and the fact that I'm not having any more babies after this one so I feel like this is my last chance to make all the cute, tiny stuff I like (never mind that there will always be babies to make gifts for!)

And then I went on the LA County Yarn Crawl last weekend and acquired a bunch of yarn for projects in my queue:

I made it to 10 or 11 shops total, which I think is more than I've done any previous year. And I was shopping with a detailed list of projects from my queue that needed yarn, so all of my acquisitions have a specific purpose!

Now I just need to find time to knit all the great stuff in my queue... Wish me luck!


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy February!

I can't believe it's February already! It's been way too long since I posted here, and with good reason:

That's right, we're expecting another baby, so Jack is going to be a big brother this summer! The worst part this time (so far) is that I spent about 8 weeks of my first trimester/early second trimester not knitting, because it made me really nauseous (even the thought of yarn was making me nauseous for awhile). It's a good thing I didn't have any holiday gift knitting planned last year! I've been really happy to be able to do a little bit of knitting again in the past few weeks, and I've also been doing a little bit of sewing to satisfy my need to make something.

Anyway, so it's a little late to really do a 2014 wrap-up post, though I will finalize my 2014 Knitting Challenge page when I have a few minutes. In terms of knitting, 2014 was an incredibly productive year for me, and I actually finished a bunch of projects instead of just starting a ton and adding to the UFO pile. It turns out that deadlines are good for me in terms of getting knitting finished, and even just forcing myself to finish my current project before I could start a new one was really helpful. Plus, organizing all my stash early last year helped me realize how much awesome yarn I already have, and I've been trying to use what I have and reduce the inflow of new yarn I don't need.

I had thoughts of setting up a 2015 Knitting Challenge, but I think this year I will have enough other challenges that I don't need to add one more. I'm going to do a few events when I feel up to it (Iknitarod is coming up in March), so we'll play it by ear. And we should find out at the end of the month whether it's a girl or a boy, so depending on that I might have a whole bunch of baby knitting to do, too!

So happy 2015 everyone, and I promise to have some actual knitting content soon. (And go Patriots, for anyone watching the game this afternoon!)