Sunday, November 16, 2014

Done and done! (And done and done...)

It's been a good week/weekend for finishing knitting project around here.

First, my NaKniSweMo sweater is finished (in only 12 days, not including time for it to dry during blocking):

Then, I actually had some daylight yesterday to sew the zipper into Jack's Moera:

Today I also finished up Jack's Solstice Hoodie:

And I got the monkey buttons sewn onto his Greener Pastures:

Now I'm working on my first project for the Indie Design Giftalong... More on that later! (Though do check out the giftalong group, even if you don't want to join in on the KAL you can get some fantastic indie patterns on sale!)






Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy November!

I realize it's supposed to warm up again later this week, but for now I'm enjoying weather cool enough to wear some handknits:

Handknit socks, finished earlier this year but not worn until now. Pattern: my own toe-up sock recipe, with a 2x2 garter rib. Yarn: Dream in Color Knitosophy, sadly discontinued but beautiful nonetheless.

I'm also participating in NaKniSweMo this year as part of the 2014 Knitting Challenge. This idea is to knit a sweater with at least 50,000 stitches during the month of November. I'm knitting Stonington from CustomFit, in Brooklyn Tweed Shelter that I've had since last January (which, for my stash, is actually a really recent vintage!). So far it's coming along pretty well (yeah, that's a really crumpled-up WIP photo!):


My hope is to actually finish this sweater by the 15th so I can double-dip with the CustomFit Fall Festival KAL. Which means I need to stop typing and get back to knitting...

Happy November knitting, everyone, and here's hoping the weather is finally cool enough for you to wear your handknits!