Sunday, June 14, 2015

Happy WWKIP Day!

Happy Worldwide Knit In Public Day!

I spent the morning yesterday knitting in public at one of our local farmers markets with my knitting guild. It was a lot of fun, and I hope you did something special for WWKIP day, too!

The project I had on the needles is one of the many tiny things I'm making for my baby girl. This one is my Little Sisters Dress, knit in some Koigu KPPPM I've had in my stash for awhile. It's currently drying after blocking, and then it just needs buttons and final photos to be done (along with at least two baby sweaters).

I've got no more than a month left now until the baby comes, and I'm trying to finish up all the little knitted things in newborn and 3-month sizes, since I'm not sure how much knitting time I'll have immediately after she comes!

I'm also working on a baby quilt, which is a story for another post someday soon...