Saturday, October 13, 2012

Shuttle excitement

Yesterday the space shuttle Endeavour made its way through our neighborhood, en route to the California Science Center. The place was a zoo with all the people and the street closures, but it was kind of like a big party out there, and we joined in!

But first, a shot of Endeavour coming in for a landing 3 weeks ago:


It was kind of nice that yesterday was cool enough to break out some of our handknits. Here's Jack just hanging out in his sweater while Mom and Dad took shuttle pictures:

And we got some nice people to take a few family photos, first in the morning with the shuttle parked...

And then in the afternoon when it was on the move again (sorry for the lens flare here):

And by the end of the day, Dad and baby were completely exhausted. (Mom even got a nap, for once!)


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