Sunday, March 16, 2014

2014 Event #2 (Iknitarod): Finished!

The Iditarod is done, so the Iknitarod knitalong is also finished!  My goal was to finish a new sweater (Driven), and I made it!

Pattern: Driven
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Gaea in Midsummer Night

I actually knit the sweater in 10 days, and even though the goal of the Iknitarod was to finish before the final musher crossed the finish line, I actually finished (the knitting, not the finishing) before the first musher finished!  And I got the ends woven in, the blocking done, and the pictures taken before the Red Lantern, which is awesome.

The yarn was pretty good--the color is beautiful, the yarn is soft without being too delicate, and the yardage is excellent (it was only 3 skeins for the entire sweater).  However, every single skein had at least one knot in the middle, which meant I had twice as many ends to weave in as I expected, which is not cool, especially for a hand-dyed yarn that is definitely not cheap.  The yarn had been marinating in my stash for almost 4 years, so I'm really glad I finally used it (on a totally different pattern than originally planned), but because of the knots I'm not completely sure I would buy it again.

Anyway, I've got a few days of break time here before the next event (March Madness, starting up on the 18th).  I've finally posted a page of all the events and projects I'm planning for the year, so please join me for one or many of the events, if you're so inclined!

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