Sunday, April 5, 2015

Must. Knit. Faster!

Happy Easter, everyone!

So it turns out that I'm expecting a baby girl this summer, which means that my Ravelry queue has exploded! It's a combination of being able to make cute baby girl stuff (which I obviously didn't get to make for Jack), and the fact that I'm not having any more babies after this one so I feel like this is my last chance to make all the cute, tiny stuff I like (never mind that there will always be babies to make gifts for!)

And then I went on the LA County Yarn Crawl last weekend and acquired a bunch of yarn for projects in my queue:

I made it to 10 or 11 shops total, which I think is more than I've done any previous year. And I was shopping with a detailed list of projects from my queue that needed yarn, so all of my acquisitions have a specific purpose!

Now I just need to find time to knit all the great stuff in my queue... Wish me luck!


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