Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stitch-n-Pitch, and a New Sweater

Every year I look forward to the annual Stitch-n-Pitch game at Dodger Stadium, and this year's game was last Friday.  My husband, Chris, and I went with the group from Wildfiber in Santa Monica.
 Dodgers welcoming Wildfiber.

We both enjoyed the yummy stadium junk food:
 Chris with a peanut.

 Me and my cotton candy on a stick.

And I got some knitting done on a pair of socks for myself:
 Look at my hands moving too fast for the camera!

The baseball game was not terribly exciting, unfortunately.  No one scored in the regular 9 innings, and since we came with the Wildfiber bus we didn't get to stay for the 10th inning (where the Dodgers finally scored a run against the Astros to win the game) or the Friday night fireworks.  But at least the knitting was fun, and I got some cool swag.
 Play ball!

In other knitting news, I've frogged my Radian Yoke.  I was really enjoying the pattern, and I liked the way it was knitting up, but I realized before I finished the yoke that I was definitely going to run out of yarn.  And since it was yarn that I hand-dyed myself, there's no way to get more (at least not yarn that matches!).  So the yarn is going back in my stash, and the pattern is going back in my queue.  Oh, well, it's better to know when to quit, I guess!

With days now getting shorter, I'm starting to feel fall coming on, and that means it's almost time to wear actual sweaters again (vs. the lightweight cardigans I wear all summer because everyone keeps their AC way too cold).  So the happy news is, now that I've put the Radian Yoke aside for the moment, I'm getting to start on a sweater that I think I will absolutely love to knit and wear. 

I fell in love with the Lowry Pullover as soon as I saw it in the latest Knitscene, and I've been kind of looking for yarn to make it from ever since, because my stash doesn’t currently include a sweater quantities of sportweight yarn.  And while I was at Wildfiber on Friday waiting for the bus to the game, I managed to also fall in love with the perfect yarn for this sweater: Madelinetosh Pashmina, in the Tart colorway, a gorgeous deep red.  The yarn is not cheap, but it's so wonderful I couldn't resist (and for the number of hours I'll spend knitting the sweater, and the number of times I expect to wear it, it's worth it)--I actually walked around the yarn store hugging the yarn like a teddy bear before I bought it, it's that scrumptious.  Pashmina is a blend of superwash merino, silk and cashmere, and it's unbelievably soft, and machine washable to boot.  It's also plump and squishy, and is going to show off the cables of the sweater really nicely.

I'm starting this sweater from the sleeves.  Sleeves are my nemesis, because I usually knit the whole body of the sweater and then get stuck finishing the sleeves; I'm hoping that doing the sleeves first will solve this problem for me.  We'll see how that goes.  For now, I'm almost done with the ribbing of the sleeves, and I'm expecting to start the cable pattern this afternoon:
 Sleeve cuffs in progress.

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